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Accelerated Program Benefits

Person taking online program with computer and notepad

What is an Accelerated Program?

Get on the fast track to success by opting for an accelerated program. Whether it be education for school or work, accelerated programs are able to save time and money. While the program might be on a quicker timeline, learning is still held to the highest standard. The goal is to learn in an efficient and fun way instead of spending endless weeks covering material that could have been completed in a few days. All different types of learning styles can be successful in an accelerated program. If you think that it might be too quick for you, check out the benefits and why you might want to reconsider.

Benefits of Accelerated Programs

There are countless benefits to taking an accelerated program over an ordinary course or taking the self-instructed route. Here are a few key things to keep in mind when considering an accelerated program.

Clear Plan Of Action
  • An accelerated program is laid out so there is clarity on what course to take next. No guessing about what video to watch or class to take, all the lessons have been put together in a specific order that’s best for understanding. They tend to have a plan of action laid out before you start so that you know exactly what will be taught. A lot of strategic planning and organizing goes into the program layout.
  • Accelerated programs are usually taken online and even sometimes at your own pace. Participants are able to learn on their own time and go as quickly as they want through the program or slow down and repeat a section to get a deeper understanding. This allows you as a student or employee the ability to learn when it best fits your schedule. Get the whole program done in sometimes as little as a week or you could take your time and lengthen that week into a month. It’s all up to you.
  • Most accelerated programs have a team-like aspect to them. Whether that be a group of co-workers or a cohort of students. Due to the program being a fast pace learning environment, the idea of teamwork is crucial to the participants’ success. Especially in an online learning environment, it’s beneficial to have other people to learn from and connect with through the program.
To The Point
  • There is no room for unnecessary lessons in an accelerated program. Every class has a specific point to get across. Accelerated programs are crafted to be direct. This helps keep everyone on track and focused on the main lesson. Although some previous education on a specific topic might be needed for some programs, the format of the accelerated route will be honed in on the main subject.

Accelerated programs are able to put you a step ahead of the competition. Learning in an environment crafted for understanding will guide you through what’s important and connect you to your team for amazing results.

Who needs an Accelerated Program?

A sped-up program may not be everyone’s preference. However, some people need to take an accelerated program in order to stay on their deadlines and learn more efficiently. Here are a couple of main factors of someone that needs to take an accelerated program over self-teaching or a regular course. 

Short On Time
  • Accelerated programs are amazing for people that want to get back to their work quickly. Taking a short period of time to learn a skill and get back to work. This will be beneficial to not only them but the organization they work for. This especially makes it great for a team of employees to take it together and then get back to work in no time. 
Self Taught
  • It takes a special kind of learner to be able to teach yourself. Online resources like articles, guides, YouTube videos, and much more are able to provide knowledge on various topics. However, unless you have the ability to structure your learning in a comprehensive way it will be difficult to teach yourself. Another issue you may run into is finding a reliable source to learn from. Let a team of professionals handle the format for you with an accelerated program.

While a fast-tracked program is needed for some, we will mention that not everyone will need to take this route. Some may prefer to take classes slowly and don’t have any hard timelines to hit. But that doesn’t mean that an accelerated program is off the table, you can still take it at your own pace and skip any unnecessary details that come with other courses. We do suggest leaving self-taught learning for enhancing the foundation built after completing a full program. There are always more skills to learn but having a solid foundation is critical to a complete understanding.

CRM Accelerated Team Training

No matter what you are trying to learn, an accelerated program is a great way to get there. From college degrees to company training programs, learn efficiently with an accelerated route. If you or your organization are in need of Zoho CRM training, we are launching our very own Zoho CRM Accelerated Program on March 1st, 2023! Designed to provide an in-depth look at everything you need to know about Zoho CRM. Everyone from admin to users, get your entire team trained in our week-long program. Taught by CRM-certified professionals all online. Pre-order now to save 45%!

Billy Bates

Senior Web Developer

Billy is a Wordpress Developer with an eye for design. His knowledge will help our company website and client sites meet their goals. Billy and his young family have just moved to Ashland Oregon, and are looking forward to exploring the area’s amazing beer, wine, and food. He also has a passion for synthesizers and drum machines.

Lucas Sant'Anna


With a background in Operations Research and Data Analysis, Lucas is a Brazilian programmer that likes to get stuff done quickly and reliably. In previous jobs, he implemented industrial job scheduling, fleet management and detailed long-haul route optimization – among other data-driven processes – to reach objectives of increased profit and reduced wasted resources. His goal is to make Zoho fully automated and with more meaningful data for spot-on decisions.

