Executive Summary

For emergency support, Abel Fire supplies rental equipment (tents, facilities), staffing, and vehicles to customers like FEMA and PGE. They have 10-15 employees and hire 20 or more as needed to support projects throughout the year. The company is headquartered near Folsom, CA, has locations in CA and TX, and provides nationwide services.
The Challenge
We were unclear exactly what CRM and Creator could do both separately and also combined to solve our needs. Those needs included a digital transformation of paper forms and procedures and the evaluation, adoption, and customization of the tools to fit our business processes.
Cory Robertson, Abel Fire Equipment
What started out as some CRM customization and a couple of forms to be created inside Creator, turned into a complete application build-out. Once the Zenatta team got started with Abel Fire Equipment and reviewed their needs, a Zoho Creator application was the solution.
Given that Abel Fire Equipment would need to add a number of agents to their portal with a controlled process at any time, Creator was the perfect fit. Let us break down the 3 key factors why a Creator app was a perfect choice for them.
Costs – With adding agents to Creator, the licenses only cost $.20 per user which is pennies compared to $35 per Zoho License. At any time Abel Fire Equipment may need to add dozens of new agents to their portal for a short or extended period of time depending on the project, making this solution very cost-effective for their business model.
Customization – By using Creator to build out the application for Abel Fire Equipment, the Zenatta team had full control of what the client wanted. With this, Zenatta was able to completely control the agent’s process from start to finish. This included agent scheduling, timesheets, rules following California labor laws, inventory management, and custom reporting. On top of all of this, Creator also makes the front end completely customizable. By using HTML to code the look and feel the Zenatta team was able to create the app exactly how Able Fire wanted it. This even included bringing in dynamic images.
Mobility – Abel Fire Equipment is heavily reliant on a mobile app for their business needs. Zoho Creator applications offer a mobile solution that covered this need. In the future this application also has the ability to be on the iOS marketplace, making it available for both Apple or Android.
Of course, Creator also has great integrations with Zoho CRM and other Zoho applications allowing all the data to still reside on the CRM and referenced in Creator.
Now Abel Fire Equipment’s business runs entirely on Zoho Creator.
Clearly communicating what they could do for us. Zenatta quickly helped us identify what it is we needed then got started working on the solutions immediately. The time spent on processing paper timecards, updating employee information, and creating, distributing, and processing paper forms was reduced by 80% once these were all digitized and shared using a custom creator app. Fast, high quality development.
Cory Robertson, Abel Fire Equipment