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Zen & Growing in Las Vegas: Zenatta’s Annual Retreat

“We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the plans for next year began to take hold.” Well, not exactly, but it’s not a Rolling Stone article anyway! What is true, though, is that our Zenatta leadership team met in Las Vegas this past weekend to reflect on the year that’s been and map out an exciting trajectory for 2024.

With a community that’s grown to include dedicated clients, Club Z enthusiasts, YouTube subscribers, and beneficiaries of our training programs, we thought it would only be fair to give you a sneak peek into our plans for the upcoming year. Stick around as we also share the highlights and unforgettable moments from our Las Vegas retreat.

Day 1 – Arriving In Las Vegas

We chose Las Vegas because most of the team is within a state or two of Nevada, so Vegas was the perfect venue to meet, even if it was over 100 degrees all weekend.

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Other than most of us meeting each other for the first time, we did some team-building by kicking off our team meeting each other in an escape room, then rushed off to dinner.

Day 2 – Zeroing In on 2023

Day 2 was all about taking a magnifying glass to the year 2023. If Day 1 was the ice-breaker, Day 2 was where we rolled up our sleeves and got down to business.

Team Leaders’ Check-In

Our marketing, finance, development, and Zoho consulting department gurus presented a detailed overview of where we currently stand in 2023. This deep dive into the numbers gave everyone invaluable insights into the performance and potential of each sector of our business.

Leadership Building Exercises

We also engaged in leadership-building exercises that were both reflective and constructive. One exercise had us list the essential traits of a great leader, an activity that invoked insightful discussions among the team. Another required us to design our own ‘Zenatta Coat of Arms,’ where we highlighted the attributes we felt best represent our company culture.

Our talented artists:

FiredUp Culture Results

A major highlight was reviewing our FiredUp Culture results, a metric we use to gauge organizational well-being. The news was electrifying: we’re ‘Fired-Up!’ and our culture is better than ever!

Year-to-Date Goals Review

Lastly, we took stock of our 2023 goals. While we’re mostly on track, there were some metrics we didn’t quite hit. However, this wasn’t necessarily a negative; it was a deliberate choice. This year, we prioritized fortifying our existing team and refining our departments over rapid expansion. It’s a strategy we believe will make us more resilient and adaptable in the long run.

Day 3 – Charting the Course for 2024

Day 3 started surprisingly fresh, considering the team had enjoyed a lengthy exploration of Vegas nightlife just the evening before.

Starting with Gratitude

We kicked off the morning with a team-building exercise centered around gratitude. Reflecting on what we’re thankful for, going around the room, and coming up with one thing for each team member we are grateful for.

Departmental Roadmaps for 2024

Then, we delved into the meaty part: laying out plans for each department in 2024. Here’s a sneak peek of what to expect:

  • Marketing: Get ready for more specialized content focusing on Creator, finance, and sales processes. Plus, changes are coming to our course model—don’t miss out on the current lifetime offers for existing courses.
  • Finance: After expanding our team this year, we’re looking to add another 1-2 members in 2024. Changes to our migration services are also in the pipeline.
  • Consulting: Demand for our consulting services has surged. We’re not only looking to grow the team but also to promote some promising members to senior consultant levels.
  • Development: Hold onto your hats! Our dev team has been phenomenal this year, and they’re just getting started. Look out for new marketplace apps and an expansion into custom Creator solutions.

Billy Bates

Senior Web Developer

Billy is a Wordpress Developer with an eye for design. His knowledge will help our company website and client sites meet their goals. Billy and his young family have just moved to Ashland Oregon, and are looking forward to exploring the area’s amazing beer, wine, and food. He also has a passion for synthesizers and drum machines.

Lucas Sant'Anna


With a background in Operations Research and Data Analysis, Lucas is a Brazilian programmer that likes to get stuff done quickly and reliably. In previous jobs, he implemented industrial job scheduling, fleet management and detailed long-haul route optimization – among other data-driven processes – to reach objectives of increased profit and reduced wasted resources. His goal is to make Zoho fully automated and with more meaningful data for spot-on decisions.

