Questions Answered
? 1. (0:45) I’m looking to use landed costs to track the true cost of items I purchase from vendors. I understand that I can track it on a bill and “allocate” the landed cost to items, but I can’t see the landed costs at the Item level or any Item reports. I’m not sure what the point of allocating landed costs to items is if we can’t view the landed cost at the item level. Landed cost is only tracked on the bill. It does not roll up to the items themselves in any way, so there really is no point in allocating the landed cost to items. It feels like it might as well just be a line item on the bill… Any thoughts or suggestions to tackle this?
? 2. (4:22) Are there any resources/webinars within Zenatta or outside of Zenatta to help with Zoho Sites?
? 3. (7:52) On your website, you rate Zoho Books “Maybe” partially because bank feeds disconnect often. We bank with Mercury and can integrate through Plaid. Does it still have the disconnect issue? Are there other reasons you might not recommend Zoho Books? Have some of the issues you’ve had in the past with ZBooks been resolved?

? 4. (11:00) I have this set up in a workflow, so I auto-respond with an email when a ticket is created. I don’t think you can use either of these solutions to remove the ticket number in the subject line in this case???
? 5. (13:33) My email client is Zoho. I have successfully linked Zoho Calendar with Google Calendar. (I prefer the functionality of GC) I also use Bookings and this seems to be working ok to log in the booking. When I tested the Booking reschedule and cancel process it updates in Bookings but nowhere else. Is there a setting for this in either Bookings or Zoho Calendar? Is there a way of linking the meeting to a Contact so it shows in the meeting record of the Contact?
? 6. (20:24) Is there a way to bypass the chart of accounts step?
? 7. (21:54) When logging a call, CRM only allows a description but not adding notes about the call. What is the best way to add notes if I don’t want to log the call and add a note in a second step? Is it possible to add a notes field to the calls? Or would it be better using the description field of the call and have an automation adding the description to the notes of the contact?
? 8. (25:57) In CRM, I have a multi-select field with a list of items I need from the lead, and I added it as a merge field in an email template. The issue is the items show as a semi-colon-separated list. I’m trying to get it to show it as a numbered list in the email template which uses plain text/html in the email template. Any suggestions?
? 9. (29:29) I am trying to find out how to send a mass email that includes an email to 1 contact representing multiple accounts.
? 10. (33:42) Currently when a CRM sales agent follows up with a Lead, when the lead responds it goes into Desk not CRM. This works for our support agents but it means out sales agents need to be working in both CRM and Desk.Is the way its supposed to work? What is the suggested way configure a sales based org email such as Hello@ to work with both Desk and CRM?
? 11. (39:38) I wonder if there is a way to record the Birth Date of a Contact? I know the day they were born, not the year and I would like to send them a note each year. I’ve set up a custom field for the date, but if I set it up today, it’s 2023. Is that the best way to record the day and month? Is there a simple way to make that repeat each year (remembering leap years?