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AZAAZ – Volume 1, Issue No. 13

Questions Answered

? 1. (0:44) Hey, great video, as always! I just stumbled upon the journey builder/command centre and it got me confused a bit. it looks really similar to blueprints and workflows. Would you guys recommend using the journey builder/command centre? or can you maybe do a video on the subject? it would help me out a lot. thanks!

? 2. (2:56) AWESOME video. Thanks for the tutorial. Is there any way to connect Woocommerce with Zoho without that plugin? Couldn’t we use Zoho Flow for the connection as it connects with WordPress, Woocommerce, and everything else?  

? 3. (5:34) My #1 Marketing priority is a weekly newsletter Campaign sent to all Leads and Contacts. I want to post a Sign-Up Form on LinkedIn in an effort to gain new subscribers. What do you think is the best process?  

? 4. (7:18) I currently have our new employee onboarding instructions located in the knowledgebase and have to wait for the user to accept the knowledgebase new user invitation before I can assign the Employee group. Ideally, I would like my New Employee Flow to do this, but in the meantime, is there a way to add any groups when I send the invitation?

? 5. (11:05) When someone who is already in my CRM contacts, sends a message(ticket)through Whatsapp/Wazzup. Then I want to assign that ticket to the contact owner of that contact automatically. If not, then leave it as a normal ticket open for everyone. 

? 6. (12:33) Can I either add a custom line to the Zoho Books main menu to import invoices instead of clicking through to it or build an API to import the file?

? 7. (15:59) When calling Zoho CRM v4 APIs from Deluge scripts within Zoho CRM using InvokeURL. What connection should I create/use? The existing System Connection “internal–zohocrm” which is a connection to Zoho OAuth service. My Connections | New Connection – Service: Zoho CRM.  My Connections | New Connection – Service: Zoho O Auth. Also of interest – have you noticed the special scope “ZohoCRM.crmapi.ALL” that the System Connection mentioned in #1 above uses but we do not have available to us when creating a connection using Zoho OAuth as service. Various docs and tools seem to reveal more and more scopes — maybe some are a hint of additional API endpoint to come? You are my “insider guys”, please spill some beans.

? 8. (19:00) How can I dynamically construct a URL to a given Page in Zoho CRM. Specifically, how can I dynamically construct the base URL. Challenge 1 – obtaining the orgId. Challenge 2 – obtaining/composing our Data Center specific base URL. Is there a helper method of some sort in Deluge to determine the Data Center so that we can construct the proper domain in the URL? Zoho CRM Variables? It feels like a cheat… but maybe this is a possible use of Zoho CRM Variables, though I must admit I have not used them, so do not know if we can access them from Deluge?

? 9. (24:33) Is there any way to bulk upload users into Bigin? I have looked into Zapier as well as Zoho Flow and can’t see an action to “Add a User.” Hoping you can think of a way and hope that isn’t building a custom topping.

? 10. (30:13) How do I do multiple packages in one order? Do you have a resource I could use to do this?

? 11. (34:10) Hi.  Hoping there is a solution here…been looking for a while.  In Zoho CRM: I would like that EVERYTIME A SPECIFIC FIELD IN THE ACCOUNT IS UPDATED A SPECIFIC FIELD IN ALL THE RELATED CONTACTS IS ALSO UPDATED.  I see that you can buy an extension and pay monthly, but in ZAR in South Africa that is expensive.  Does it have to be custom code? Thanks! Follow-up comment: I am also wondering if Global Sets might solve this.  If you apply a Global Set to one module and the same one to another module – if you update the value chosen on one module does it update on the other?  I currently have another bug with saving my Account layout, so I haven’t been able to check that until Zoho shows me how to fix the bug.

? 12. (45:28) I’ve got an odd dilemma with validation rules on invoices in Zoho Books. Our use case is that we need to prevent any invoices being edited or marked as sent (which I believe triggers the edit action anyway) if they have a date prior to present day. Zoho support’s suggestion was the following validation rule, which we’ve had in place for a while: By and large this does the job, but we’re having some issues with it as it is sometimes triggering the rule when applying payments/credits to an invoice—but not all the time! It would be easy to understand if it blocked all payment applications, but it’s intermittent and I can’t identify a pattern. Do you have any suggestions on how to tweak this to fix? Or alternative methods of handling the use case? 

? 13. (50:39) Do you recommend not using due dates then, if you are using this, just duration?

Billy Bates

Senior Web Developer

Billy is a Wordpress Developer with an eye for design. His knowledge will help our company website and client sites meet their goals. Billy and his young family have just moved to Ashland Oregon, and are looking forward to exploring the area’s amazing beer, wine, and food. He also has a passion for synthesizers and drum machines.

Lucas Sant'Anna


With a background in Operations Research and Data Analysis, Lucas is a Brazilian programmer that likes to get stuff done quickly and reliably. In previous jobs, he implemented industrial job scheduling, fleet management and detailed long-haul route optimization – among other data-driven processes – to reach objectives of increased profit and reduced wasted resources. His goal is to make Zoho fully automated and with more meaningful data for spot-on decisions.

